how to find Us

All of our classes are taught at Hinawaikolii, our second floor studio at 776 Kailua Road, Suite 202, above the old, now vacant Kimo’s Surf Hut. If you are coming to Kailua from the Pali, cross the bridge into Kailua town, turn left at the light, and you will find yourself on Kainehe St.  Turn again into the first driveway on your left (just before KFC) and circle to the back parking lot. We are at the top of the stairs on the KFC wing of the L-shaped building.  


Halau Mohala Ilima, 776 Kailua Road, Suite 202, Kailua, Hawaiʻi, 96734

808 222-2243 (cell);  808 261-0689 (land line)